
All information contained on the Spruik.me web site, whether relating to jobs, candidates, business opportunities, products or services, is assumed to be correct at the time of listing. We strongly advise all users of our web site to verify any relevant details for themselves



While every effort is made to reach the right candidates, Spruik.me does not guarantee that there will always be a candidate listed on the web site to suit your position, nor do we guarantee that all positions advertised through Spruik.me will be filled. As such it is the policy of Spruik.me not to provide refunds or credits.



Spruik.me is continually canvassing employers for professional opportunities across all industries. Despite our efforts we cannot guarantee that we are aware of all available positions at any one time, nor can we guarantee that there will be any appropriate positions available to you when required. As such it is the policy of HealthyPeople not to provide refunds or credits.